Most businesses start out as a small company, owned by one person or by a partnership. The most common type of business when there are multiple owners is a corporation. The law sees a corporation as real, live person. Like an adult, a corporation is treated as a distinct and independent individual who has rights and responsibilities. A corporation's "birth certificate" is the legal form that is filed with the Secretary of State of the state in which the corporation is created, or incorporated. It must have a legal name, just like a person.
A corporation is separate from its owners. It's responsible for its own debts. The bank can't come after the stockholders if a corporation goes bankrupt.
A corporation issues ownership share to persons who invest money in the business. These ownership shares are documented by stock certificates, which state the name of the owner and how many shares are owned. the corporation has to keep a register, or list, of how many shares everyone owns. Owners of a corporation are called stockholders because they own shares of stock issued by the corporation. One share of stock is one unit of ownership; how much one share is worth depends on the total number of shares that the business issues. the more shares a business issues, the smaller the percentage of total owners' equity each share represents.
Stock shares come in different classes of stock. Preferred stockholders are promised a certain amount of cash dividends each year. Common stockholders have the most risk. If a corporation ends up in financial trouble, it's required to pay off its liabilities first. If any money is left over, then that money goes first to the preferred stockholders. If anything is left over after that, then that money is distributed to the common stockholders.
Some established Phoenix Schools districts are just a few areas in the Valley that are losing students to charter schools, private schools, and other districts. These Phoenix schools districts have for many years added classrooms and teachers to keep up with their growing populations. Now, they are experiencing decline in enrollments for various reasons.
Since funding is readily available to Phoenix schools that are in a growth cycle, the enrollment decline means loses in ...
phoenix schools, schools, phoenix
Article Body:
Some established Phoenix Schools districts are just a few areas in the Valley that are losing students to charter schools, private schools, and other districts. These Phoenix schools districts have for many years added classrooms and teachers to keep up with their growing populations. Now, they are experiencing decline in enrollments for various reasons.
Since funding is readily available to Phoenix schools that are in a growth cycle, the enrollment decline means loses in badly needed revenues. It also means losses in local, state and federal funding, which also are based upon the student population. This could mean millions in lost funding to the Phoenix schools.
Along with schools in Mesa and Scottsdale, the Phoenix schools are taking aggressive action. Some school districts are aggressively marketing to recruit students from neighboring districts, as well as to reacquire students who have moved to private schools. Street banners announce the start of schools in some districts, beefing up the Phoenix schools image in others.
The Phoenix schools are battling to keep their current student enrollment levels, while searching for methods to recruit more students. The Phoenix schools face increasing competition from charter schools, as well as private schools that offer more exclusivity to the Phoenix schools’ students.
Enrollment throughout the Valley, overall, continues to increase; thus, supporting the findings of an enrollment study for Paradise Valley school district by Applied Economics. They found that charter and private schools were luring students from the district at increasing rates.
The Phoenix schools districts know that new residential housing developments are planned within their districts. The problem is how to plan for such increase in student population — Will they attend the traditional Phoenix schools or opt for a charter or private school. By the time the Phoenix schools have an answer to this quandary, it will be too late to build the needed facilities. Overcrowding in the Phoenix schools already will have been felt.
The Phoenix schools are hurt further by the state law on school funding. When the Phoenix schools experience a decline in student enrollment, they lose funding. Additionally, according to this law, there is a mandated drop in how much additional funding the Phoenix schools can obtain, even through local funding sources.
Lastly, additional funding for construction and renovation of facilities that is available during a growth cycle of the Phoenix schools is nonexistent during an enrollment decline. This makes the average $8,000 per student with extra for students with various types of situations and disabilities, less than adequate for schools that already are dealing with budget and funding concerns.
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